
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Photo Contest Winner and a New Idea/Challenge

I had great difficulty selecting a photo that I thought was "The Best" from my little photo contest.
In the end I chose this gorgeous picture by Erin Anderson of Erin-art and gardens.
My theme was simplicity and reducing something to it's most basic form, thereby revealing the beauty.

The white milk glass bowl is almost as plain as a bowl can be.  A simple lip, no adornment.  White.  It is basic, utilitarian and simple.  Erin's photo composition is just wonderful. The lighting is perfect.  I loved everything about this.
This is another of Erin's photos that she entered.
She is a very talented photographer and artist.
I have chosen for Erin a handmade soap, plus a gorgeous turquoise blue Crown jar with zinc lid from about 1920.  I thought Erin being in the US, a Canadian jar would be appropriate and also I know Erin loves anything with a beachy flair.
Since there is a lot of talent out there in blog land, and to keep things interesting, I wondered if anyone would be interested in my new idea.  In design school, I took a class where we were given a theme each week such as balance, scale, rhythm, line, shape .etc.  We had to compose a piece that reflected our current topic.  I loved it as each we we presented to the class our version and we got to see every one's interpretations which were not only wonderful but challenging.

I am proposing that each week I put out a word or texture....or sharp......and we all take a picture of something that represents that to us.  Then on a given day, we can post them on our blogs and I can provide a McLinky.  I think it would challenge us to be creative and see things we weren't looking for.



  1. Erin's photograph is exquistite - and your gift to her, Chania, so very lovely!
    Happy day to you & yours,

  2. First of all, congratulations to Erin. I put that image in my top ten pics of the week today, so I can only agree wholeheartedly. And secondly, I love your challenge idea and I'd love to participate.

  3. Yaaaa for Erin!

    And yes count me in, sounds like fun.


  4. Whoo Hoo Erin and Whoo Hoo you!

    I love the idea of this novel challenge. Don't know if I can manage each week, but I would love to try..Goodness knows I need help with my photos and you guys are always my inspiration.

    Goody goody, when do we start?



  5. Wonderful choice Chania...thos3 bowls are exquisite. And yes...count me in!
    I love the idea of multiple perspectives on something...all the better to learn with!

  6. Congratulations to Erin! Me so jealous! Wait--did I just say that out loud, or think it? Ha ha, no, her pictures are great.
    Love the themed picture idea--it reminds me of being in art class back in grade 11. What a wonderful, wonderful class that was...

  7. What great photos from Erin!

    I love your theme-photography idea! I'd play along. :)

  8. yippie skippie!! WHAT?? are you kidding me? i am sooo happily surprised that i won AND and just tickled pink over the prize!! o.k. you have really made my day, funny how things like this sometimes happen at just the right when a person just needs a little me today....and may i say i love, LOVE your "creative challenge" idea...cuz this girl loves a good assignment!! not sure if i would do it every week though, only because inspiration might not be there.....but you can count me in most times...i look forward to it.

    Chania, thank you so much!! the jar is perfect for my collection (and from canada, eh) and the handmade soap is perfect for these gardeners hands.

    smiling here,

  9. I like Erin's photo the best also! I love your idea. It sounds interesting and fun. Count me in!

  10. Yup I am in. Thank goodness you said to post it on our sites and not to email you a picture...I am so not computer savvy. I might be able to handle this task.

    Nice prize. I have some of those jars and I love love the crown!!

  11. Sounds like fun, it would help me improve my photography skills.

  12. The photo is lovely and represents simplicity as you so well stated. I might give your idea a try especially if I can do outdoor images. olive♥

  13. Congratulation to you my dear Erin you are the best !!....happy evening my dear Ria......

  14. That is a beautiful picture. I think it would be a really neat idea to try.

  15. Congrats to was a great choice! I would be interested...

  16. A link party sounds like a great idea, count me in, I need as much practice as possible in the photo department, you never know I might learn a thing or two :)

  17. Wow! Loved those photos!Well done, Erin.Super idea Chania - I would love to give it a go and even more I would like to see everyone else's photos!Look forward to it.Sarah x

  18. First of all, lots of congratulations to Erin. I love her pictures and the little give-away you've chosen for her Chania. Secondly I think that's a brilliant idea of yours - you can count me in!

  19. CONRGATULATIONS Erin....A WORTHY Winner for sure with that LOVELY milk glass pic.... :o) !!

    Chania love I'd be interested in particpating for sure....This time next week the SVJ-X will be behind me & things will be back to normal around here....hahahahaha....Well....As normal as they can be so I'd LOVE to join in....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  20. Congrats to Erin, the leaf skeleton is great. Tamara x

  21. Well done the simplicity of the winning shot, and what a great idea Chania for continuing creativity...count me in!

  22. That sounds like fun! Congratulations to the winner! I just love milk glass bowls.

    : )

    Julie M.

  23. I'm a new follower and think the weekly photo challenge would be so fun!

  24. Beautiful photos as always Chania, and thanks for your recent submissions to me.

    I've left an award for you on my blog. This site def qualifies. :)

  25. Erin's photo is a well-deserving winner Chania. It's exquisite! And I love your challenge idea. Please count me in!

  26. Congratulations to Erin, her photos are gorgeous and perfectly fit the theme!

    And I think your idea is a great one!!

    Kat :)


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania