
Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Week in Pictures and Michael Jackson

We were away last week at the cottage.  For the first time this year we had no work to do at the cottage.  All the rooms are done.  We enjoyed catching up with friends and neices and nephews.

  I am still bitten by the bug to find another cottage project, but I am not sure we would find another spot as interesting as this one.  Most people tell me I am mad.  But I love a Sows Ear.  While I was out shooting some of these photos, I ran into our Real Estate agent on his boat and planted the seed.

A Cormorant sunning himself.

I seem to have a thing for tenders lately.....
Now this is a color scheme. 
 That blue with the Mahogany and White would be lovely in a room.

Artistically blowing in the breeze.
Hanging from an anchor.

Being a boating novice, I assume this is some kind of fender.
The color is so vivid against the white.

Red Cleat.....

I love a sailor with OCD

Bare wood.  Galvanized steel.
Plain old rope.  Makes a lovely photo.

This little guy hates the dock, but loves the boat.
He reminds me of Michael Jackson.


  1. Michael Jackson! He has to be the reincarnation!

  2. You got some wonderful shots here! I like the coiled rope and the sail boat at the dock. That pooch DOES look like Michael Jackson-- it's almost scary. Enjoy your free time. I am so ready to be done with projects and to have a place that needs nothing for the time being. The I can concentrate on the fun stuff, like playing with fabrics and being creative in other ways.

    Have a good week.

  3. MJ reincarnated! Too spooky!
    Love the calmness of your photography Chania.

  4. Chania the photos are lovely. That little doggy looks more like Michael Jackson than Michael Jackson!!

  5. Chania, seriously--if you're looking for a sow's ear, look no further than my kitchen. It's horrendous. I'd have to put it in all caps: SOWS EAR. Sigh. Great pics.

  6. O yes !! he looks like Michael....hahaahhaah!! nice post i must laugh about you......happy week love Ria....

  7. I just read "The Shipping News" and each chapter starts with a how to tie a knot for a must be OCD to do these knots I decided. They are hard to do but there is a reason for each one. Lovely images Chania. hugs♥olive

  8. Seriously, that's too funny - he does look just like MJ! I love your photos Chania, you are very talented. And I know what you mean, I love nothing more than a good reno, so no wonder you're thinking about your next project. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do. K xx

  9. omg! he totally does look like Michael very weird!

  10. Too funny about the MJ likeness! Your photos are beautiful. Enjoy your "free" time.

  11. You are a great photographer. That's so funny, your dog does actually look the MJ :)

  12. Beautiful pictures. Love the Michael Jackson reference - too true. Almost funny were it not so sad.

  13. First I HAVE to comment on MJ's look a like...SPITTING IMAGE! The deck probably makes it difficult to moon walk when no one is watching so that's why he doesn't like it!
    SECOND...I ADORE the photo you choose and I'd give my pinkie toe for a few of those lovely bowls.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania