
Monday, August 29, 2011

Florida Day 10

Front door and staircase.
The house is pretty well set up now.  We've hung blinds, bought a TV, security system etc. and are starting to feel quite at home.  We had supper out on the weekend with people the Raz Man does business with here, and they have invited us to their favourite Italian joint on Wednesday night. Lat night we met some great neighbours who have offered to keep an eye on the place while we are gone, which makes me feel much better.  You feel a bit vulnerable in a new city with no contacts.

What I love about this house are the window sills...still with original tile from 1936 when the home was built. Perfect for all my bits.  This large bottle is a Jumbo the Elephant Orange soda bottle.  Marbles I picked up in the UK shopping with my Grandad.  Baby cups from Mexico. 

The upstairs hallway is my favourite spot.  Here I've put me shell and shell box collections.

The guest room.  We removed a shelf from behind where the daybed is.  I HATE when people don't paint behind things!.  This room is quite large and has a window seat (not shown) with a built in cedar lined blanket box. This house is 2 bedrooms.  We need places for people to sleep.  Hence the daybed in this room.  If my kids come and bring friends, it's a good place to extra people to sleep. 

View from guest room into the hallway with original arches.

Master bedroom....this room is more shaded as there is a covered porch off the french door that is screened in. It has been too hot to open these doors so far, but in cooler months it will be lovely to sleep with them open.

This house was originally a garage apartment converted into a 2 story house.  The upstairs master bedroom was originally the living room, hence the large stone fireplace and enclosed patio.

View to the JUNGLE.

The yard is full of old brick patio, hex block paths and a rain forest of palms and other plantings.

To the left is where we hope to put a pool.........It is very pretty, but quite dark.......

The crew hired to trim back the massive trees and limbs that were overhanging the house......a full day's work for 4 men. The picture above from the balcony was taken AFTER the can imagine how full it was before.


  1. Just let me know and I can be there in a heartbeat....wink!!

  2. Your second home is looking lovely. Simple but still with your little things to make it home.

  3. This home is lovely! You put it into shape so quickly - I would still be deciding where to put the bed.....

  4. I love your beautiful home. Your Day 10 looks more like my Day 100. My Day 10 would include lots and lots of cardboard boxes and not much else. You have such a way of making a house into a home with just a few thoughtful touches.

  5. Your windowsill vignettes are perfect, and the house is certainly taking on that 'Chania lives here' look - it is lovely.

  6. several things I'm jealous of in your place - including those awesome window sills. it's really looking good..donna

  7. It's looking great! I just love your jungle :)

  8. The window ledges are special and I love the jungle. Just think of the plants you can grow. Orchids!

  9. just beautiful, Chania. I always love the way you do a bedroom!

  10. Your house is looking so lovely and welcoming Chania. xx

  11. Oh, that house looks sooo wonderful. I love the window sills and the arches and the fireplace...basically everything. It has such charm.

  12. Looking so cozy!...can't wait till yall are ready to this charming 2nd home near the gulf?

  13. Your new home is totally beautiful. I too love those wide window seals. Can't wail to see your yard and new pool that is coming.

  14. I spy heaps of palm fronds! You've done a beautiful job, Chania. It looks so warm and inviting.


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