
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Florida Living and Dining Room

Our days are running our here in Florida  to get our house sorted out.  We leave on Friday just as we are getting a feel for the area and our neighbourhood.  You could walk for miles here admiring the beautiful historic homes.  We have the living room pretty well as we like it. Our cottage things fit in here quite well and it is starting to feel cozy and bright.

Above the day bed seen here on the left will be our TV mounted on the wall.  We carefully found the stud, measured and made level, but when we drilled into the beam.....poof....we hit a wire and blew the electrical to half the house.  Luckily the neighbor has an electrician working there right now and he is coming over to fix it........ 

Behind the sofa on the right there, I am having bookshelves added to the 2 odd niches which are now just empty space.  Because the ceilings are low here, the shelves will visually heighten the room.

In the dining room, I have an old table that my MIL gave me, and two Louis chairs that my friend left behind when she went to Abu Dhabi. I think they work well in here, although I would like to get rid of the velvet fabric.....not in the budget for ages yet.  I used metal Tolix chairs as they are simple and versatile.  The chandelier came with us and the sofa is actually a futon that turns into a double bed for extra guests.  With only 2 bedrooms I needed to create as many sleeping spots as possible.

Beyond that door is a screened in porch.  It has a bit of a leaky roof, but could be really pretty with a  little bit of work.  It runs the whole width of the house and is very shady.  With a little porch paint and TLC, it could be a good spot.....


  1. Chania
    ...In less than 2 weeks you have taken this cute house...empty and turned it into a beautiful and charming cottage...well done!


  2. Oh my goodness, Chania, it is lovely! So light, bright and airy! I especially love your pretty artwork.



    One day, when I have some money, I may have to hire you to transform my bedroom from a pit of despair where things that have no home get piled, with a horrid narrow yet deep closet, into something dreamy, less cluttered and functional.

    Sniff! I have to go cry now...

  4. absolutely lovely
    but all I can think ....
    the dogs would reduce the white to brown in 30 seconds flat!

  5. Superb transformation ... truly!

  6. It is so beautiful..... I could park myself on the sofa in that LR with one of those books stacked beside and, with a G&T, could life be any better?

  7. The living room with that sofa and rug are charming. I also like that rose painting with the white frame over the sofa. It is perfect there.

  8. I could curl up on that sofa and take a nap.
    Your Friend, m.

  9. I love your bright floral accents Chania, you are starting something!

  10. More lovely and cozy looking rooms, Chania. I can see lots of great family and friend time happening in your new vacation home, and the extra bed spaces are a really good idea.

  11. It looks ever so comfortable and inviting - you work wonders. I also particularly note the lovely windows - are they metal or wood?

  12. Wow! It looks as if your place is really taking shape. Not bad for a couple of weeks in the house. I'm sure you'll be hesitant to leave.

  13. It all looks so gorgeous Chania. Luckily nobody was hurt drilling into the electrics!

  14. i can honestly say that your place (in 10 days) looks better than 99.9% of my friends homes. you certainly have the touch. it all looks so pretty.

  15. Both rooms are looking fabulous but I just love your floral rug, it is gorgeous. xx

  16. I love this room Chania. May I use it in next week's top ten?

  17. Hi Chania,
    Your Dash & Albert rug has always been something on my wish list. I didn't realize they had a pillow too. I think your room should be featured in Romantic Country.

  18. Oh, your living room looks beautiful! I can't believe how quickly you've pulled it together :)

  19. Well to say I'm a little envious would be an have made the most charming and comfortable home. I have stared at that first picture over and over! It looks like you've been there forever - collected and cozy. How on earth are you going to pack up and leave!

    I'm glad everything is working out so well for you ~

  20. The rooms look lovely and it looks like things are coming together for you. I love your eclectic mix of pieces. Everything looks inviting!

  21. It is beautiful beautiful beautiful. I love your place. And the daybed is to die for, love it. When you get done the house will be FABULOUS. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT ! ! ! Lynda

  22. Chania!
    Wow, looks great. I absolutely adore the white coffee table your MIL gave you. I would love one a little longer for our living room!I am starting on a bit of wedding stuff now that I have a couple of weeks off in between semesters. Do you still have those milk bottles you mentioned (how many, price, etc..) Safe travels xo.
    Lori Clahane

  23. wow! it's hard to believe you've got it looking so lived-in in such a short time! (ok, I'm feeling a little pathetic with my progress over here!)
    It looks so comfy and pretty - when can I move in? ; ) xo

  24. Amazing, it looks like you have been living there for ages. What a lovely space to be.

  25. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. I adore those dining chairs and I think the rug looks perfect in the living room. What a wonderful place to escape to.

  26. Chania, it looks wonderful and I like the way you have kept things light and airy. Hope you enjoy your new home away from home. Ann

  27. It looks so very french. If it wasn't for the palm trees out the window I would have been convinced for sure.
    oh wait I think they have palm trees in the south of france:)


  28. It is just lovely and I am amazed at how much you have gotten done. I don't think my house is as finished looking, we have been here 4 years ! :)
    So you will be on your way back North ... have a good trip.
    besitos .. from way down South :)

  29. I like all the pink chania...looks yummy. from melissa


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania