
Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday wrap up

Butter wouldn't melt in my mouth.

My week has flown by with nothing really blogworthy. I still have my foster dog Hunter whose name seems apt because he seems to like to hunt the cat down.  Not his fault at all as the cat seems to be provoking him. Yesterday there was a squabble and the cat was covered with dog slobber.  He knows now when he tussles with the cat he is a NAUGHTY BOY and heads straight for the TIME OUT MAT (front door mat). Other than cat issues, he's a good boy.  This weekend I am helping Girl Child move a few bits into her new apartment. It is 445 sq ft.! 1 bedroom, 1 bath, living room/kitchen/dining combined. 

To amuse you all today I offer this hilarious video of 2 dogs dining out. Take a look CLICK HERE.

He's picking on me!


  1. The video is hilarious! The people are behind the funny.

  2. I miss having a dog and I want a cat also. Soon as I think I can stay home more and not travel I am getting one each.
    If I had a sitter while traveling that would be nice

  3. Hunter looks like a sweetheart. I've been thinking about getting a dog but my husband isn't crazy about the idea.... Yet.
    Have a great weekend. jj

  4. that video is soooo stinkin funny!!! i wonder how they got the dogs to only eat off the forks and not straight from the plates??? too funny...thanks for my laugh today!

  5. What a handsome dog Hunter is.

    Our lab is rightly terrified of our cat. Well we all are.

    I haven't been by all week so I'm off to read more.

    xo jane

  6. Dogs and cats always make for excitement!

  7. I came here for design inspiration and got it but you just made my day, my week, my year, with that video.
    Thank you.
    X David, NYC

  8. Another funny caption with your cat photo! Really great! And I laughed at the mental picture of Hunter going to his Time Out Matt. Great Post, Chania!

  9. Hunter's making me melt with that look! And kitty's look is one of extreme's perfect!
    xo J~

  10. Hi Chania...I know what you mean about butter wouldn't melt! As you know I'm new to the world of dog ownership and hence the tussles between cats and dogs! My puppy usually wins just out of sheer exuberance. Lou x

  11. oh, the lives of cats and dogs! Love the time out mat!

  12. That is the funniest video I've seen in a long time. How well trained they are to not eat right out of their plates.
    Thanks for the giggle. You are so good to foster a dog. I want to get a rescue dog but worry the cats will freak out.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania