
Sunday, February 19, 2012

This Weekend I.....

Inventory...... clearing out inventory from my online shop, like the Dash & Albert carpet samples above
had a fantastic dinner out with hubby and friends and had too much wine.....
had a good catch up with a neighbor I haven't seen in months.
agreed to lend my daughter a couple of my chairs for her apartment.
visited the Dollar Shop to buy her things like cutlery trays and ice cube trays, tea towels etc.
packed a car load and dropped it off at her new place.
had a wonderful breakfast at a little cafe on Dovercourt in Toronto...pancakes with pears, bananas and maple syrup
watched 2 hours of taped American Idol...
went grocery shopping with girl child...she wouldn't allow any carbs..she's staying for 3 days during Reading Week.
missed the Boy Child and DIL who I haven;t seen in weeks....
will eat the cake the neighbor dropped off to me this morning while watching The Kennedy's/

Did you get up to anything interesting this weekend?

excess inventory


  1. Same old thing around here. I remember those days of supplying girls with things for their apartments. Good/expensive times! I'm going to look at your rugs. (again)

  2. Not one thing .. other than trying to figure out why the a/c in the bedroom is dripping IN the bedroom, where am I going to put Things in an apartment that is full to the brim with Other Things.. What can I have for dinner when every day is too hot and I am not cooking. You can only eat so many sandwiches.
    so ... that is my weekend :)
    besitos ..

  3. VERY long garage sale and learning new smart phone...when does the fun begin? sigh.....

  4. I worked on setting up a bunch of workshops, posted them all on my website and other places, caught up on my recorded shows for the week, helped a friend look for an apartment, went out for lunch, did some grocery and other shopping, made some quinoa breakfast muffins, tidied up the kitchen a few times, read a magazine, watched a couple of movies and snuggled with my honey (one of our favourite things to do).

  5. What a busy weekend! I worked all weekend so have today and tomorrow to relax. I have to do some housework but the art studio is calling my name!

  6. I love the look of those striped carpets Chania. Have laughed catching up with the adventures of your cat and dog, although I'm not so sure I'd have found it as funny if it were my house! I hope things settle down. The cat will definitely take charge, take it from me. x

  7. Chania, I have missed your deliciously quirky blog. Your adventures in decorating and life always leave me inspired and/or laughing. I can spend hours looking at pictures/videos of cute dogs. I hope a video of yours is forthcoming!

    My weekend was a bit uneventful but a highlight was sneaking in some shopping after a half-day work meeting and finding some wonderful folk art, which I hope to share on my blog soon. I hope we'll get a sneek peek of your daughter's new place if you've had a hand in decorating it.

  8. Phew, I thought my weekend was busy. Yours sounds very full on. Ours was great, we had a party for my Mothers 70 th birthday and I had a night out with girlfriends.

  9. I bought a 17th century pewter spoon on saturday, went to dinner with friends that night and drank too much; drank nothing yesterday and watched 'A Canterbury Tale' - again. I thought you had gone to Florida?

  10. I hit the lake for some skating, the flea market to pick up some old sap buckets and then cooked up a storm for my boy child who is living elsewhere now for schooling during the week.... oh and following your lead I am just preparing to post some "stuff" on ebay for some found money.

  11. Hmmmmm.... Seems like FOREVER ago....Drove through the Hard Rubbish searching for Treasure....Took some Treasure to the Market, worked a shift at the Antique Mall where I have a space....Oh & some housework.....**wink**....!!

    Tamarah xxx


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania