
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bridal Shower Cake

I need that Cake Boss guy. You know the one from that show where they make cakes in the shape of the Startrek Enterprise or barbie doll? I'm a little stressed right now because I am making the cake for a bridal shower this afternoon. Usually my cakes and plain old fashioned vanilla or chocolate with a good smearing of buttercream icing and a swoosh on the top made with a butter knife. Not today. I ventured into the land of pale peach cabbage roses. First they looked lovely with a soft flower on the creamy cake background. Then, I was looking on the Internet and saw a suggestion to fill in the "gaps" with a swoosh of icing. Which I did, and hated it. I scraped it off leaving what looked like finger swirls around the roses. I whipped up another batch of icing and made a fresh swirl around existing roses and now it's looking like too much....(see last photo). Oh dear! What to do? It's 100F here today, and we all know that butter cream melts faster than a menopausal woman on a hot day, so I'm going to leave it well enough alone. Inside is 4 layers of alternating peach and cream colored cake. I'm hoping the inside looks better than the's also drizzling now, the shower is to be held outside. A song keeps coming into my head...that old Richard Harris song......Someone left the cake out in the rain....I don't think that I can take took so long to make it...................................... 


  1. I love the cabbage roses. When I saw the first picture, my reaction was....darn her...she can do it all! The cake is so shabby chic looking. It looks fabulous and I'm cetain the cake is just as fabulous inside. Perhaps you are being too hard on yourself. Keep cool!

  2. I think it is beautiful .. I bet it tastes lovely too.

  3. I think it is splendid and as for the heat we all are dealing with that. Maybe put it in the freezer for 30 minutes prior to getting it cut?

  4. It is still impressive. Barb is right-- I had the same reaction-- Is there anything you can't do? I know you made it with love, and the is more appealing than absolutely perfect roses. Your cake is a thing of beauty.

    Enjoy the shower!

  5. I remember that song! I think your cake looks great. Hope it holds up for the shower!

  6. Listen to Barbie . . . she knows her stuff. You popped up on my reader and TRULY my reaction was . . . GORGEOUS! And much like Barbie I was thinking this gal does everything . . .

    100 degree weather with rain and humidity . . . they will see the cake and think DYNOMO . . . Really very nice!

  7. It actually looks better than you think. Turn off the inner critic and serve that cake with pride! I bet it tastes delicious!

  8. Hello Chania

    This looks delicious and quite perfect to me. The temperature likely has a bearing on the icing. They will love it.
    I don't think there will be any chance of them leaving the cake out in the rain.

    Enjoy your evening


  9. Gosh I hope it does not rain on your parade.
    Your cake looks very professional to me.
    I bet you it's delicious!!

  10. Your cake looks lovely! We are often more critical of our own work, but I bet it will be a hit (and it looks delicious.)

  11. I like it. It looks soft. The best part will be how it tastes.

  12. I think it looks lovely, and I know it will taste fabulous which is the most important part! I hope the shower went off without a hitch!


  13. Are you kidding me?? This looks fantastic. Roll over Cake Boss and in moves Chania!!!!

  14. I think it looks fantastic Chania, you are one clever gal! xx


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