
Friday, July 13, 2012

Tree Houses and Nuisance Bears

I mentioned in my last post that we climb up to the tree house at night to watch the sunset. You may have visions of a weensy, rickety little box, built by a couple of kids. But no, this one is about 100 sq feet with a second story loft, cedar shingles, 10 old windows (2 of them dormers) and a wrap around deck overlooking the lake. The owner of the cottage, once he had gutted the old 1934 cottage and rebuilt it, needed another project, and upon the request of his 5 children built them a tree house. So fine it is, it once got a mention in Cottage Life magazine.

There's a Nuisance Bear roaming the area. He was spotted at 1 in the afternoon, and last night I was awakened to the sound of him turning over the trash bins. This morning it looked like drunken teenagers had overturned all the bins along the dirt road, minus the empty beer bottles. There are stories of bears breaking through screens to get food inside cottages, and I know if this bad boy comes anywhere near, I'll be the first one hiding up in that tree house.


  1. ...and I would be right behind you!
    That's some tree house!

  2. I'd be right there with you too!

  3. My Dad has a lovely log cabin whose back deck overlooks a small field surrounded by trees. It's normal to see deer there in the morning, and the bird feeders attract tons of birds. But one day the suet feeder also attracted a bear, who shinnied up the porch support (more than one story up!) and helped himself to the suet. My stepmom was so startled she instinctively banged on the sliding glass door, belatedly thinking the better of it when the bear turned to look at her from less than 2 feet away! Thankfully he left without incident. I'm not sure, given this experience, that the treehouse (lovely as it is!) would offer you better shelter than the house!


  4. That would be a great spot to hide from a bear! What a fantastic spot.

  5. He can get in the tree house with you I am sure.

  6. I'm with you . . . I don't want to read about you in the papers. Charming pictures of the cottage . . .

  7. Oh my, I thought foxes were bad enough turning over trashcans. A bear is completely different story, I'd be up in that tree house quicker than you can say 'big, hairy man-eating bear!' :)
    The tree house is fabulous by the way.

  8. that place is fantastic! bear-none! I hope. donna

  9. Love that tree house! Not the bears, they scare me - I've heard of them coming through windows too. But I think your trash bins probably keep them busy and perhaps satisfied, even though they are messy beasts. Hope you are having fun! Ann

  10. OK, so I won't mention how bears climb trees easily.

    My grandmother lived in Alaska for a while and she told me about the Polar bears coming into town in winter !! talk about nuisance bears !!
    Stay safe ...

  11. Gorgeous tree house, but holy smokes, I wouldn't have thought you would have needed a hideout from bears where you live.


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