
Monday, August 6, 2012

Poor Bubbie......

Monsieur Balto had to have a little surgery last Friday. We've been experimenting with various socks with the toes cut off, to cover the wound and stop him picking out the stitches, but the little Houdini managed to removed them all and made a bit of a mess of it all. I was assisted by various family members, who held the squirming boy still, and administered bits of cheese and other treats, while I applied several layers of dressings to his leg. He initially hobbled like a wounded soldier, but then forgot about his limp once he saw our supper being served. I am happy to say, the patient is resting comfortably and despite a few sorrowful whimpers the first night (Girl Child lay down with him on his pillow on the kitchen floor until he fell asleep), he is soaking up the extra loving and recuperating nicely.


  1. Ah poor Balto. Here's to a speedy recovery.

  2. Sending get well wishes to your sweet boy!


  3. What a stinker picking out his stitches! Yeah, those labs forget everything else when dinner is served, at least my girl does! Balto is so lucky he got you as a Mom and your family to love him. Never get tired of hearing your doggie stories or of reading your blog.

  4. Awww, well what else did he have to do but pick out those stitches? Balto, now you make sure you get all the extra attention you can, limp a little longer and a tiny whine once in awhile will ensure that the cheese and pats will keep coming. Ann

  5. That is the saddest photo. Is he acting like that just for attention and he knows you're sucker!

  6. Happy healing Monsieur Balto . . . He sure looks like a LOVE!

  7. Hi Chania

    I am so happy you are taking care of Monsieur Balto. What you have done, in giving him a home, is one of the kindest acts I know of.
    Can I give you an award:


    The 2012 Recipient is: Chania

    Thank you, thank you and thank you


  8. I'm commiserating with Balto..Broke a toe last evening. Wish I had my girl child to keep me comfortable...
    Be well Balto. You're in excellent hands. <3

  9. Ouch that paw looks painful - so glad he's getting better

  10. Definitely looking sad especially for the camera. Poor Balto - getting those layers of dressing s on can't have been easy!

  11. Pup had a cyst that kept coming back on his foreleg. At that time, there was no possibility of doing surgery on him or giving him anesthetic. Here, the vet had this wonderful bandage stuff that is made of stretchy webbing that is easy to wrap around the leg and then hold in place with a little piece of tape. the webbing clings to itself so it won't slip. It comes in all sorts of colors, poor Pup, he had a wardrobe of colors and patterns ~
    Besos to Balto ..

    pup and his bandage


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania