
Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Raz Man's Office

The Raz Man prefers anonymity....he's a rather elusive creature that shuns Facebook, blogs, and pretty well all social media. He will however tolerate a mention on the blog, on the condition that he's not mentioned by name, and never a photo. So...he may or may not be chuffed to discover that he home office is featured today.

This room is right next to the kitchen and used to be a laundry room and a washroom. Not one to waste precious square footage on the main floor for a laundry room, we moved the plumbing to the basement, which freed up some prime real estate for a bright, spacious office with both North and West windows. It has however, been a catchall for all the odd bits of furniture that don't work anywhere else in the house. Until yesterday, it had a dog friendly rug (purchased when we had old dogs) (which we do again) an old dresser without a home, 2 mismatched chairs, the cat scratching post, and a MULTITUDE of junk that got dumped on the bookshelves.

I am on an ELIMINATION MISSION. I am trying to have the bare minimum number or items needed to function. I pulled the rug from another room, took my non functioning kitchen table (it has stretchers on both ends, so no chair can pull in or be tucked under) and made it the desk. A lamp, a good tidy up of the books, a wooden caddie with sections for holding desk junk like USB keys and stamps etc, and my potted orchids to add a little color. In an effort to minimize, the drapes have been donated to Boy Child as well as the former rug. The bowls of food and water are not for the Raz Man, but rather for the cat who needs her food elevated to stop Monsieur Balto from eating it.

And for those of you with really good eyes may be frowning at the little "trading card" naked lady on the window ledge. It's one of those cards the street "vendors" in Vegas hand out so you can call up a girl for the evening. I picked it off the sidewalk in Vegas and have kept it. It surfaced yesterday when cleaning up the shelves. I put it on the window ledge to see how long it takes him to notice it.


  1. I rather like the RazMan's office! Complete with Vegas girlie card - Mr. T would take forever to notice it. What a nice bright, airy room with lots of practicality and comfort! Ann

  2. I LOVE it
    very feminine in many ways with little "splashes" of masculine flourishes

  3. That's my idea of a perfect office, and the table is so much nicer than a boring old business-like desk. My own downfall is the need for an office chair, as I spend a fair bit of time at the computer, and office chairs ruin the charm of a room. Your chair is much more pleasing.

  4. this is a beautiful office. does he work from home? larry does and his office is all function. he'd kill me if i tried to put an orchid on his desk. i love how bright and airy it is. i painted larry's black and now it just seems depressing. you've inspired me here and i think i'm gonna paint it back to white.

    also, i've seen those cards in vegas too. they make me so sad. my first thought is always whose daughter is this?:(

  5. Love Love Love this office - especially the drapes and matching roman blind!

  6. I'm still laughing about the trading card,your hubby sounds alot like mine,no name/no photo/no mention...and he will walk around something for days before he notices....I remember these folks standing all over the sidewalks flipping these cards and trying to make us take one. This is such a funny RazMan's office!

  7. I like Raz Mans office . . . would love to be in the room on a step stool looking at the book titles! Looks like a great library!
    I think he will be checking out that card very soon . . .

  8. That room looks like you totally planned every thing that went in it. I hope he notices that card soon!

  9. and here I thought it was a reminder for you guys to come back and visit <3
    Love the desk chair and ....more globes? or moved globes?

  10. What a beautiful looking office. Sitting here in mine, ugh! I am shamed. ;-)

  11. What a great place to get some work done. So inviting.

  12. You have a wonderful eye for detail. But next time I want to see some BEFORE pics - it's not fair to make us all think that you are so tastefully tidy ALL the time!


  13. LOL ... and he likes orchids as well your nameless photoless Mr. Raz?

  14. this sounds very familiar to me... My husband thinks the same as yours.
    This is a very nice room! I wouldn´t mind to have a similar one!


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