
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Quiet

Henry Francis on the left with another puppy visitor Duke.

Over 3 days we had 42 people and 2 dogs visit to see the baby and/or the new puppy Henry Francis. We consumed a staggering amount of food and drink, and between the puppy and the baby created many loads of laundry and trash. 

In the midst of such chaos Hannah Cat retreated for 4 days to the office and only had one chance meeting with Henry Francis. While tearing around a corner, he came almost face to face with the cat and screeched to a halt and retreated BACKWARDS out of the room.

Frenchie suffered an episode of Vestibular disease (an old dog disease that affects the balance)  and has been quiet and off center somewhat.

Baby Emma is a delight and was one of 3 infants here over the weekend.

Boy Child, DIL and Baby are on their way home to Montreal.
Girl Child and Henry Francis are now back in Toronto and adjusting to life with a puppy in the 49th floor
Hannah Cat is in the basket after her 4 day exile.
The Raz Man and I are clearing the debris from the extended weekend.
And we are missing the kids, puppy and baby already.


  1. Ahhh, but it sounds like it was a wonderful whirlwind visit.
    Exhausted but content I'm sure.

  2. Sounds like naptime to me. I bet it was fun. Thanks for sharing the chaos.

  3. What a wonderful time. I usually love cleaning up after a good party, sounds like you had a great house party.

    Carry on!

    xo Jane

  4. That Boston terrier is so cute! I've had them before. Had one as a child: Buster. Loved that dog so!

  5. This sounds like it was the perfect weekend! Love little Henry the Frenchie, I may just kidnap him. Sorry to hear that the real Frenchie had some balance issues - we get that here. Poor kitty, too much fuss, but she did what she had to do and even impressed the puppy.

    I know pics of Emma are not to be on the blog, but how is she doing? How old now? How big? How much did you hold her? So much goodness all at once.


  6. I was going to say the same as Bonnie..naptime

  7. Ahhhhhh, remembering it well. The can't wait for everyone to arrive . . . and then loving a bit of quiet when everyone has retreated back to their own digs . . . Now . . . a few zzzzzzzzzzz's and get ready for the next time!

  8. That was a marathon!! I bet you can 'hear' the quiet!!
    Henry Francis is just too cute for words!! I think Sophie would like one.....
    Sounds like a wonderful get-together to celebrate your grandchild, Chania.

  9. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend and there is quiet in the house once more. Babies, whether canine or human, bring people together and are amplifiers of joy and positive energy.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting so sweetly on my latest post. I am so very happy with our new home. And, yes, my bed does fit! The ceiling in the loft is high enough to accommodate the canopy.


  10. Henry Francis is just plain ADORABLE

    makes me want a new puppy so bad


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania