
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Henri Francis

Meet 8 week old French Bulldog Henry Francis, the latest addition to the Razmataz Family. Henry belongs to Girl Child, but is spending his first week here with his Human Nanna while I teach him how to potty and get through the day and night without hollering. He's a fast learner and already has the potty training pretty well in the bag. Last night he woke only once to howl at the moon, and then settled back to sleep until morning. Hannah Cat is not impressed with his screeching and Poor Frenchie (the original Frenchie (lab)) is being such a sweetie and just moving out of the way when this little munchkin comes running at him to play.His boot camp ends on Monday when he leaves for life in the Bug City. 

This weekend we have baby Emma arriving with Boy Child and daughter in law. No one will be able to choose which baby to hold.


  1. I'm in love with that doggie already.

  2. he certainly is cute....and I don't say that easily

  3. Oh I love him. Maybe he wants to see the Capitol?

    xo Jane

  4. A keeper . . . Love that strong, front leg, staunch . . . I think this one might have some attitude . . .happy weekend with the two babes!

  5. aha! that's what you've been doing.... lucky you... grandbaby and fur baby

  6. Oh my! What a cutie Henri Francis is!! I have seen these in the park and they are adorable little things. I wonder if our Sophie would tolerate a playmate.
    have a good weekend, Nanna.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. He is so adorable ! And you have the baby too ! What fun !
    We just got word last night that our expected little one is most likely coming earlier than predicted :)
    besos ..

  9. I am in love! So, sweet! Hope he comes often to visit you, Chania.

    And a visit from the baby, and her mom and dad! Your house will be overflowing with cuteness and love. Can't wait to read the latest on both babies.

    And sweet Frenchie for tolerating the little Frenchie....



I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania